K-12 OER Podcasts

Part One. OER in K-12 Learning: An Overview 

  1. Welcome: The Project Context  podcast_icon
    Contributors: Connie Blomgren, Verena Roberts
  2. A History of OER  podcast_icon
    Contributors: TJ Bliss, Randy Labonte, Rory McGreal, David Porter, Sarah Weston
  3. The Current Landscape of OER  podcast_icon
    Contributors: TJ Bliss, Beatriz de los Arcos, Michael Canuel, Bill Fitzgerald, Randy Labonte, Rory McGreal, David Porter, Sarah Weston
  4. Benefits of OER for K-12 Learning  podcast_icon
    Contributors: Beatriz De Los Arcos, Royce Kimmons, Rory McGreal, Sarah Weston
  5. Acceptance of OER in K-12 Education  podcast_icon
    Contributors: TJ Bliss, Bill Fitzgerald, Royce Kimmons, Randy LaBonte, Rory Mc Greal, David Porter, Sarah Weston

Part Two. OER and Pedagogy in K-12 Learning

  1. Learning with OER  podcast_icon
    Contributors: TJ Bliss,  Michael Canuel, Bill Fitzgerald, Rory McGreal, Sarah Weston
  2. Teaching with OER  podcast_icon
    Contributors: TJ Bliss, Michael Canuel, Beatriz de los Arcos, Bill Fitzgerald, Royce Kimmons, Randy LaBonte, Sarah Weston
  3. Openness and the Open Mindset in Learning  podcast_icon
    Contributors: : Michael Canuel, Beatriz de los Arcos, Royce Kimmons, Randy LaBonte, Rory McGreal, David Porter
  4. The Eight Attributes of Open Pedagogy  podcast_icon
    Contributors: Bronwyn Hegarty
  5. The Open Pedagogy Model  podcast_icon
    Contributors: Bronwyn Hegarty

Part Three. OER Policy and Copyright in K-12 Education

  1. Creating Policy for OER in Canada  podcast_icon
    Contributors: Randy LaBonte, Rory McGreal, David Porter
  2. Copyright and User Rights: A Definition of Terms  podcast_icon
    Contributors: Jim Swanson
  3. K-12 Scenario with Copyright and Fair Dealing  podcast_icon
    Contributors: Jim Swanson

Supplementary Scenarios: K-12 Education and Copyright 

A) Supplementary Scenario: Digital Copies and Copyright  podcast_icon
Contributors: Jim Swanson
B) Supplementary Scenario: Learning Management Systems and Copyright  podcast_icon
Contributors: Jim Swanson
C) Supplementary Scenario: Course Sharing and Copyright  podcast_icon
Contributors: Jim Swanson
D) Supplementary Scenario: Content Creation and Copyright  podcast_icon
Contributors: Jim Swanson

How to cite these podcasts:

Include the producer’s name, followed by the date the podcast was published. Then, add the podcast episode title, followed by “[Audio podcast] Multiply K-12 OER Project.” Finally, add “Retrieved from [insert podcast URL].”

Blomgren, C. (Producer). (2017). Welcome: The Project Context [Audio podcast]. Multiply K-12 OER Project. Retrieved from http://bolt.athabascau.ca/index.php/podcast/welcome-the-project-context/