Alberta Perspectives on OER in K 12 Learning

Alberta Perspectives on OER in K 12 Learning

This workshop video introduces a group of teachers from Alberta as they explore open educational resources, present their own experiences with OER in their classrooms, and offer suggestions for their effective use to enhance learning.

Welcome: The Project Context

A brief overview of this ABOER project describes the overall goals of OER awareness, use, and advocacy for Canadian K-12 educators. Experiences and insights gained during the creation of the podcasts and videos are briefly shared by the project creators.

Contributors: Connie Blomgren, Verena Roberts

Creative Commons License
Welcome: The Project Context- Multiplying OER Impact: Building In-service Teacher OER Capacity for Graduate Credit ABOER by Dr Connie Blomgren, PhD & Verena Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.