The Eight Attributes of Open Pedagogy

This podcast explores the attributes of open pedagogy through an in-depth interview with Bronwyn Hegarty, describing her model involving eight overlapping dimensions ranging from technology, to personal and community characteristics, to reflective practice.

Contributor: Bronwyn Hegarty

Creative Commons License
The Eight Attributes of Open Pedagogy- Multiplying OER Impact: Building In-service Teacher OER Capacity for Graduate Credit ABOER by Dr Connie Blomgren, PhD & Verena Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Openness and the Open Mindset in Learning

This deeper look at the concepts and principles of openness and the open mindset asks what it means to be truly open, to practice as an open educator, and to foster a mindset of openness in ourselves and in our classrooms, with reflections by a number of key researchers and practitioners in open education.

Contributors: Michael Canuel, Beatriz de los Arcos, Royce Kimmons, Randy LaBonte, Rory McGreal, David Porter

Creative Commons License
Openness and the Open Mindset in Learning- Multiplying OER Impact: Building In-service Teacher OER Capacity for Graduate Credit ABOER by Dr Connie Blomgren, PhD & Verena Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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