OER and Canadian Copyright: Essential Facts

Guest Editorial | By Rory McGreal (Professor)

OER and Canadian copyright: Essential Facts

As the UNESCO/Commonwealth of Learning Chairholder in Open Educational Resources,  I have been involved with computerOpen Educational Resources for many years and within an international context. For K-12 educators, understanding copyright can be a bit intimidating but once you know some essential facts, OER becomes more inviting.

So – to help with this endeavour here are some essential  facts on copyright and educational publishing in Canada:

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Using OER for Project Based Learning

Teacher Editorial | By Janet Remus (BOLT student)

The Problem

Today, educators are constantly told that they need to employ teaching strategies that are more engaging and applicable to their students’ lives beyond the classroom.  Using worksheets and lecturemobile-phones are practically considered taboo, as we move from teacher-directed approaches to learner-centred approaches.  Project Based Learning (PBL), which the Buck Institute for Education defines as “a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge” seems to offer a great alternative to traditional teaching methods.

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