Acceptance of OER in K-12 Education

Acceptance of OER in K-12 Education

This look at the acceptance of OER in K-12 education explores some of the challenges that come with moving from a copyright-restricted educational environment to open resources, and how some organizations and their leaders have overcome barriers such as resistance to change and quality concerns.

Contributors: TJ Bliss, Bill Fitzgerald, Royce Kimmons, Randy LaBonte, Rory McGreal, David Porter, Sarah Weston

Creative Commons License
Acceptance of OER in K-12 Education- Multiplying OER Impact: Building In-service Teacher OER Capacity for Graduate Credit ABOER by Dr Connie Blomgren, PhD & Verena Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Benefits of OER for K-12 Learning

Benefits of OER for K-12 Learning

This podcast considers the benefits of open educational resources and what they can contribute to the work of professional educators and to the learning of students, including cost savings, the improvement and increased flexibility and relevance of content, and the enhancement of the teacher’s role as content expert and professional.

Contributors: Beatriz De Los Arcos, Royce Kimmons, Rory McGreal, Sarah Weston

Creative Commons License
Benefits of OER for K-12 Learning- Multiplying OER Impact: Building In-service Teacher OER Capacity for Graduate Credit ABOER by Dr Connie Blomgren, PhD & Verena Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

699759-icon-113-document-file-txt-128 Download the Transcript: Benefits of OER for K-12 Learning