The Eight Attributes of Open Pedagogy

This podcast explores the attributes of open pedagogy through an in-depth interview with Bronwyn Hegarty, describing her model involving eight overlapping dimensions ranging from technology, to personal and community characteristics, to reflective practice.

Contributor: Bronwyn Hegarty

Creative Commons License
The Eight Attributes of Open Pedagogy- Multiplying OER Impact: Building In-service Teacher OER Capacity for Graduate Credit ABOER by Dr Connie Blomgren, PhD & Verena Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Coding and Computational Thinking In Schools

Teacher Editorial | By Steven Montgomery (BOLT student)

Coding or computer programming in schools is becoming a big push in schools around the world. Political leaders have been looking at statistics and realised that technology fields will employ a growing number of citizens in the future.

Future Employment

“The US Department of Labor projects that one million jobs in computing will go unfilled by 2020. These are good jobs, jobs that would allow economic mobility and great earning potential over the course of a career. We know why these positions aren’t being filled—a lack of skilled candidates.” (Harel 2016)


During a visit to Google’s new Canadian operation in Waterloo, Ont., Prime Minister Justin Trudeau acknowledged, “We need to do a lot better job of getting young people to understand what coding is and how it’s important.” (Silcoff 2016)

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